What Is a spider butt?

Glad you asked


“Have you heard of the legend of the Christmas Spider?”

This is the single-most iterated phrase I hear at any given craft fair I attend… from my mom. 

For years we made beaded spiders and sold them all over town.  We would sit in front of the television and thread bead after bead through fine gauge wire in a myriad of patterns in an effort to design the ultimate spider — guaranteed to amaze and bewilder anybody passing in front of our booth.  And it would all start with the perfect “Spider Butt.”

I haven’t made a spider in over 20 years, but these artistic arachnids  kicked off my love for creating unique, hand-made, gifts with a focus on repurposing and recycling.  And to this day when  my mother and I see over-sized, oddly shaped, glamorous beads anywhere on earth my mom will undoubtedly utter the phrase…

“Look at those Spider Butts!”